How to get more views on LinkedIn

When creating organic content on LinkedIn to drive brand awareness, profile visits and website clicks, you need to know the scope of attention you are receiving from your audience.

In this article, we are going to discuss the benefits of generating more views from your LinkedIn content and demonstrate how to execute this in your LinkedIn strategy. The following topics will be mentioned:

  • Why you should post more LinkedIn content

  • Why comments are the key to organic reach

  • Why you must engage with your audience to grow organically

  • The types of LinkedIn content you should be posting

  • Simple strategies to increase LinkedIn profile views

As always, we emphasize the importance of understanding the performance of your content. You shouldn’t be in the dark about the effectiveness of the content you produce for your business from LinkedIn content creation. With a data-driven strategy, you can use powerful insights to maximise the value you provide to your audience and to fuel the best strategy to reach your KPIs.

Why you should post more LinkedIn content

Posting more content on LinkedIn is the best way to get more out of the platform. When we talk about getting more views on LinkedIn, the benefit is to post more content that your audience engages with, resulting in the right people visiting your profile.

New profile visitors can learn more about you, your businesses and ultimately the products and services you provide. Your content should educate your audience, and on your profile, you should have direct links to your blog and website. This will allow you to successfully use LinkedIn as a platform for generating traffic for your business.

Gaining more views on LinkedIn should be of interest to anybody on the platform. The student looking for their first job can get potential employers and recruiters viewing their profile by posting content. Where they could maximise this attention by having their CV available to download on their profile’s ‘Featured Section’.

Content creators should know how much attention their content is receiving so that they can gauge their highest and lowest performing content, and the content their audience enjoys the most and least.

Businesses must know how effective their organic LinkedIn content strategy is to be able to increase brand awareness and sales from their content marketing efforts.

With SHIELD as your LinkedIn analytics tool, you can see your ‘Total Views’ for custom time-periods to visualise the macro impact of your content marketing efforts. This will encourage you to increase the volume of content you are posting as you can clearly see its impact. You can also view your ‘Average Statistics’ per post, which can take away all of the guesswork and manual labour of working out how your content can be expected to perform.

Why comments are the key to organic reach

Creating organic content does not directly cost you money. You can generate tens of thousands of views for your company or organisation on LinkedIn, for free, as the platform’s organic reach is currently so high. How much would you pay for your content to be seen by thousands of people in your target audience every single month?

Organic reach can be defined as the number of people who see your content without paid distribution.

You may have heard Gary Vaynerchuck say that LinkedIn is how Facebook was in 2012. He’s not lying. Back in the old days of Facebook, businesses could quite easily see their content go viral, with Facebook the main social media platform used by businesses to see their posts shared by thousands of people. Right now LinkedIn and TikTok have the greatest organic reach, meaning anybody can create content that can go far on the platform.

So how can you maximise the organic reach on LinkedIn? The best way is to understand the platform. When somebody posts a comment on your content, their connections – the people they have in their own network – will see that they have engaged with your content. This is how content can go viral, as comments allow your content to be shown to new audiences, who can also engage with the content, showing it to their audiences, and so on.

You can encourage people to comment by:

  • Asking questions at the end of your content

  • Asking people for their opinion on a topic

  • Posting high-quality content that naturally piques people’s interest

Before publishing your LinkedIn updates, take a moment to stop and consider how you could encourage people to leave a comment.

Why you must engage with your audience to grow organically

If you want to achieve success on LinkedIn, you must be a part of the community and engage with other people’s content. For people to be interested in what you post, you should take time to comment on the content in your feed, to create and nurture relationships.

Engaging with other people is what LinkedIn is all about – creating genuine connections. With LinkedIn currently the best B2B platform, there is a world of opportunity for your business to unravel by taking the time to bring value to the platform.

Engaging with other people, sending personalised connection requests and building relationships over direct messaging will take time. But we are talking about building a large, engaged audience for your business which is priceless and definitely ROI positive.

The types of LinkedIn content you should be posting

Different types of content on LinkedIn receive varying levels of engagement. You should test a variety of content (text, images, videos, carousels) to see what content resonates with your audience the most.

Video content and carousels may appear to receive fewer views than text content, but they can provide the most value to your audience. Including these posts in your content mix now has increased importance, from LinkedIn’s most recent algorithm change that focuses on “dwell time”. LinkedIn has told us that they are now measuring the quality of content by how long a user stays on your content for, which is very useful to know.

You should post a variety of content to LinkedIn as different types of content have different benefits. Text posts generally receive the most views, which may be explained by how the content is easy to consume and interact with, resulting in more comments. Although, with a new focus on dwell time, video content can keep users on your content for minutes. This is far more valuable for your audience and you can be more confident that your information has been consumed if the video was engaging.

Simple strategies to increase LinkedIn profile views

You can increase how many people visit your profile on LinkedIn in the following ways:

  • Optimise your LinkedIn headline – This is visible across the platform and can be intriguing

  • Optimise your LinkedIn profile photo – People see this in the feed and when you engage

  • Post content native to LinkedIn – Sending people away from the platform is punished meaning content will have reduced reach

  • Provide value when writing comments – Appearing as the ‘Most Relevant’ comment on people’s posts will mean your profile is visible

  • Post content at peak times – Find out in SHIELD the best times to post your content, so that you can publish when your audience is online

Joe Gannon x Pragya

When creating organic content on LinkedIn to drive brand awareness, profile visits and website clicks, you need to know the scope of attention you are receiving from your audience.

In this article, we are going to discuss the benefits of generating more views from your LinkedIn content and demonstrate how to execute this in your LinkedIn strategy. The following topics will be mentioned:

  • Why you should post more LinkedIn content

  • Why comments are the key to organic reach

  • Why you must engage with your audience to grow organically

  • The types of LinkedIn content you should be posting

  • Simple strategies to increase LinkedIn profile views

As always, we emphasize the importance of understanding the performance of your content. You shouldn’t be in the dark about the effectiveness of the content you produce for your business from LinkedIn content creation. With a data-driven strategy, you can use powerful insights to maximise the value you provide to your audience and to fuel the best strategy to reach your KPIs.

Why you should post more LinkedIn content

Posting more content on LinkedIn is the best way to get more out of the platform. When we talk about getting more views on LinkedIn, the benefit is to post more content that your audience engages with, resulting in the right people visiting your profile.

New profile visitors can learn more about you, your businesses and ultimately the products and services you provide. Your content should educate your audience, and on your profile, you should have direct links to your blog and website. This will allow you to successfully use LinkedIn as a platform for generating traffic for your business.

Gaining more views on LinkedIn should be of interest to anybody on the platform. The student looking for their first job can get potential employers and recruiters viewing their profile by posting content. Where they could maximise this attention by having their CV available to download on their profile’s ‘Featured Section’.

Content creators should know how much attention their content is receiving so that they can gauge their highest and lowest performing content, and the content their audience enjoys the most and least.

Businesses must know how effective their organic LinkedIn content strategy is to be able to increase brand awareness and sales from their content marketing efforts.

With SHIELD as your LinkedIn analytics tool, you can see your ‘Total Views’ for custom time-periods to visualise the macro impact of your content marketing efforts. This will encourage you to increase the volume of content you are posting as you can clearly see its impact. You can also view your ‘Average Statistics’ per post, which can take away all of the guesswork and manual labour of working out how your content can be expected to perform.

Why comments are the key to organic reach

Creating organic content does not directly cost you money. You can generate tens of thousands of views for your company or organisation on LinkedIn, for free, as the platform’s organic reach is currently so high. How much would you pay for your content to be seen by thousands of people in your target audience every single month?

Organic reach can be defined as the number of people who see your content without paid distribution.

You may have heard Gary Vaynerchuck say that LinkedIn is how Facebook was in 2012. He’s not lying. Back in the old days of Facebook, businesses could quite easily see their content go viral, with Facebook the main social media platform used by businesses to see their posts shared by thousands of people. Right now LinkedIn and TikTok have the greatest organic reach, meaning anybody can create content that can go far on the platform.

So how can you maximise the organic reach on LinkedIn? The best way is to understand the platform. When somebody posts a comment on your content, their connections – the people they have in their own network – will see that they have engaged with your content. This is how content can go viral, as comments allow your content to be shown to new audiences, who can also engage with the content, showing it to their audiences, and so on.

You can encourage people to comment by:

  • Asking questions at the end of your content

  • Asking people for their opinion on a topic

  • Posting high-quality content that naturally piques people’s interest

Before publishing your LinkedIn updates, take a moment to stop and consider how you could encourage people to leave a comment.

Why you must engage with your audience to grow organically

If you want to achieve success on LinkedIn, you must be a part of the community and engage with other people’s content. For people to be interested in what you post, you should take time to comment on the content in your feed, to create and nurture relationships.

Engaging with other people is what LinkedIn is all about – creating genuine connections. With LinkedIn currently the best B2B platform, there is a world of opportunity for your business to unravel by taking the time to bring value to the platform.

Engaging with other people, sending personalised connection requests and building relationships over direct messaging will take time. But we are talking about building a large, engaged audience for your business which is priceless and definitely ROI positive.

The types of LinkedIn content you should be posting

Different types of content on LinkedIn receive varying levels of engagement. You should test a variety of content (text, images, videos, carousels) to see what content resonates with your audience the most.

Video content and carousels may appear to receive fewer views than text content, but they can provide the most value to your audience. Including these posts in your content mix now has increased importance, from LinkedIn’s most recent algorithm change that focuses on “dwell time”. LinkedIn has told us that they are now measuring the quality of content by how long a user stays on your content for, which is very useful to know.

You should post a variety of content to LinkedIn as different types of content have different benefits. Text posts generally receive the most views, which may be explained by how the content is easy to consume and interact with, resulting in more comments. Although, with a new focus on dwell time, video content can keep users on your content for minutes. This is far more valuable for your audience and you can be more confident that your information has been consumed if the video was engaging.

Simple strategies to increase LinkedIn profile views

You can increase how many people visit your profile on LinkedIn in the following ways:

  • Optimise your LinkedIn headline – This is visible across the platform and can be intriguing

  • Optimise your LinkedIn profile photo – People see this in the feed and when you engage

  • Post content native to LinkedIn – Sending people away from the platform is punished meaning content will have reduced reach

  • Provide value when writing comments – Appearing as the ‘Most Relevant’ comment on people’s posts will mean your profile is visible

  • Post content at peak times – Find out in SHIELD the best times to post your content, so that you can publish when your audience is online

Joe Gannon x Pragya

When creating organic content on LinkedIn to drive brand awareness, profile visits and website clicks, you need to know the scope of attention you are receiving from your audience.

In this article, we are going to discuss the benefits of generating more views from your LinkedIn content and demonstrate how to execute this in your LinkedIn strategy. The following topics will be mentioned:

  • Why you should post more LinkedIn content

  • Why comments are the key to organic reach

  • Why you must engage with your audience to grow organically

  • The types of LinkedIn content you should be posting

  • Simple strategies to increase LinkedIn profile views

As always, we emphasize the importance of understanding the performance of your content. You shouldn’t be in the dark about the effectiveness of the content you produce for your business from LinkedIn content creation. With a data-driven strategy, you can use powerful insights to maximise the value you provide to your audience and to fuel the best strategy to reach your KPIs.

Why you should post more LinkedIn content

Posting more content on LinkedIn is the best way to get more out of the platform. When we talk about getting more views on LinkedIn, the benefit is to post more content that your audience engages with, resulting in the right people visiting your profile.

New profile visitors can learn more about you, your businesses and ultimately the products and services you provide. Your content should educate your audience, and on your profile, you should have direct links to your blog and website. This will allow you to successfully use LinkedIn as a platform for generating traffic for your business.

Gaining more views on LinkedIn should be of interest to anybody on the platform. The student looking for their first job can get potential employers and recruiters viewing their profile by posting content. Where they could maximise this attention by having their CV available to download on their profile’s ‘Featured Section’.

Content creators should know how much attention their content is receiving so that they can gauge their highest and lowest performing content, and the content their audience enjoys the most and least.

Businesses must know how effective their organic LinkedIn content strategy is to be able to increase brand awareness and sales from their content marketing efforts.

With SHIELD as your LinkedIn analytics tool, you can see your ‘Total Views’ for custom time-periods to visualise the macro impact of your content marketing efforts. This will encourage you to increase the volume of content you are posting as you can clearly see its impact. You can also view your ‘Average Statistics’ per post, which can take away all of the guesswork and manual labour of working out how your content can be expected to perform.

Why comments are the key to organic reach

Creating organic content does not directly cost you money. You can generate tens of thousands of views for your company or organisation on LinkedIn, for free, as the platform’s organic reach is currently so high. How much would you pay for your content to be seen by thousands of people in your target audience every single month?

Organic reach can be defined as the number of people who see your content without paid distribution.

You may have heard Gary Vaynerchuck say that LinkedIn is how Facebook was in 2012. He’s not lying. Back in the old days of Facebook, businesses could quite easily see their content go viral, with Facebook the main social media platform used by businesses to see their posts shared by thousands of people. Right now LinkedIn and TikTok have the greatest organic reach, meaning anybody can create content that can go far on the platform.

So how can you maximise the organic reach on LinkedIn? The best way is to understand the platform. When somebody posts a comment on your content, their connections – the people they have in their own network – will see that they have engaged with your content. This is how content can go viral, as comments allow your content to be shown to new audiences, who can also engage with the content, showing it to their audiences, and so on.

You can encourage people to comment by:

  • Asking questions at the end of your content

  • Asking people for their opinion on a topic

  • Posting high-quality content that naturally piques people’s interest

Before publishing your LinkedIn updates, take a moment to stop and consider how you could encourage people to leave a comment.

Why you must engage with your audience to grow organically

If you want to achieve success on LinkedIn, you must be a part of the community and engage with other people’s content. For people to be interested in what you post, you should take time to comment on the content in your feed, to create and nurture relationships.

Engaging with other people is what LinkedIn is all about – creating genuine connections. With LinkedIn currently the best B2B platform, there is a world of opportunity for your business to unravel by taking the time to bring value to the platform.

Engaging with other people, sending personalised connection requests and building relationships over direct messaging will take time. But we are talking about building a large, engaged audience for your business which is priceless and definitely ROI positive.

The types of LinkedIn content you should be posting

Different types of content on LinkedIn receive varying levels of engagement. You should test a variety of content (text, images, videos, carousels) to see what content resonates with your audience the most.

Video content and carousels may appear to receive fewer views than text content, but they can provide the most value to your audience. Including these posts in your content mix now has increased importance, from LinkedIn’s most recent algorithm change that focuses on “dwell time”. LinkedIn has told us that they are now measuring the quality of content by how long a user stays on your content for, which is very useful to know.

You should post a variety of content to LinkedIn as different types of content have different benefits. Text posts generally receive the most views, which may be explained by how the content is easy to consume and interact with, resulting in more comments. Although, with a new focus on dwell time, video content can keep users on your content for minutes. This is far more valuable for your audience and you can be more confident that your information has been consumed if the video was engaging.

Simple strategies to increase LinkedIn profile views

You can increase how many people visit your profile on LinkedIn in the following ways:

  • Optimise your LinkedIn headline – This is visible across the platform and can be intriguing

  • Optimise your LinkedIn profile photo – People see this in the feed and when you engage

  • Post content native to LinkedIn – Sending people away from the platform is punished meaning content will have reduced reach

  • Provide value when writing comments – Appearing as the ‘Most Relevant’ comment on people’s posts will mean your profile is visible

  • Post content at peak times – Find out in SHIELD the best times to post your content, so that you can publish when your audience is online

Joe Gannon x Pragya

When creating organic content on LinkedIn to drive brand awareness, profile visits and website clicks, you need to know the scope of attention you are receiving from your audience.

In this article, we are going to discuss the benefits of generating more views from your LinkedIn content and demonstrate how to execute this in your LinkedIn strategy. The following topics will be mentioned:

  • Why you should post more LinkedIn content

  • Why comments are the key to organic reach

  • Why you must engage with your audience to grow organically

  • The types of LinkedIn content you should be posting

  • Simple strategies to increase LinkedIn profile views

As always, we emphasize the importance of understanding the performance of your content. You shouldn’t be in the dark about the effectiveness of the content you produce for your business from LinkedIn content creation. With a data-driven strategy, you can use powerful insights to maximise the value you provide to your audience and to fuel the best strategy to reach your KPIs.

Why you should post more LinkedIn content

Posting more content on LinkedIn is the best way to get more out of the platform. When we talk about getting more views on LinkedIn, the benefit is to post more content that your audience engages with, resulting in the right people visiting your profile.

New profile visitors can learn more about you, your businesses and ultimately the products and services you provide. Your content should educate your audience, and on your profile, you should have direct links to your blog and website. This will allow you to successfully use LinkedIn as a platform for generating traffic for your business.

Gaining more views on LinkedIn should be of interest to anybody on the platform. The student looking for their first job can get potential employers and recruiters viewing their profile by posting content. Where they could maximise this attention by having their CV available to download on their profile’s ‘Featured Section’.

Content creators should know how much attention their content is receiving so that they can gauge their highest and lowest performing content, and the content their audience enjoys the most and least.

Businesses must know how effective their organic LinkedIn content strategy is to be able to increase brand awareness and sales from their content marketing efforts.

With SHIELD as your LinkedIn analytics tool, you can see your ‘Total Views’ for custom time-periods to visualise the macro impact of your content marketing efforts. This will encourage you to increase the volume of content you are posting as you can clearly see its impact. You can also view your ‘Average Statistics’ per post, which can take away all of the guesswork and manual labour of working out how your content can be expected to perform.

Why comments are the key to organic reach

Creating organic content does not directly cost you money. You can generate tens of thousands of views for your company or organisation on LinkedIn, for free, as the platform’s organic reach is currently so high. How much would you pay for your content to be seen by thousands of people in your target audience every single month?

Organic reach can be defined as the number of people who see your content without paid distribution.

You may have heard Gary Vaynerchuck say that LinkedIn is how Facebook was in 2012. He’s not lying. Back in the old days of Facebook, businesses could quite easily see their content go viral, with Facebook the main social media platform used by businesses to see their posts shared by thousands of people. Right now LinkedIn and TikTok have the greatest organic reach, meaning anybody can create content that can go far on the platform.

So how can you maximise the organic reach on LinkedIn? The best way is to understand the platform. When somebody posts a comment on your content, their connections – the people they have in their own network – will see that they have engaged with your content. This is how content can go viral, as comments allow your content to be shown to new audiences, who can also engage with the content, showing it to their audiences, and so on.

You can encourage people to comment by:

  • Asking questions at the end of your content

  • Asking people for their opinion on a topic

  • Posting high-quality content that naturally piques people’s interest

Before publishing your LinkedIn updates, take a moment to stop and consider how you could encourage people to leave a comment.

Why you must engage with your audience to grow organically

If you want to achieve success on LinkedIn, you must be a part of the community and engage with other people’s content. For people to be interested in what you post, you should take time to comment on the content in your feed, to create and nurture relationships.

Engaging with other people is what LinkedIn is all about – creating genuine connections. With LinkedIn currently the best B2B platform, there is a world of opportunity for your business to unravel by taking the time to bring value to the platform.

Engaging with other people, sending personalised connection requests and building relationships over direct messaging will take time. But we are talking about building a large, engaged audience for your business which is priceless and definitely ROI positive.

The types of LinkedIn content you should be posting

Different types of content on LinkedIn receive varying levels of engagement. You should test a variety of content (text, images, videos, carousels) to see what content resonates with your audience the most.

Video content and carousels may appear to receive fewer views than text content, but they can provide the most value to your audience. Including these posts in your content mix now has increased importance, from LinkedIn’s most recent algorithm change that focuses on “dwell time”. LinkedIn has told us that they are now measuring the quality of content by how long a user stays on your content for, which is very useful to know.

You should post a variety of content to LinkedIn as different types of content have different benefits. Text posts generally receive the most views, which may be explained by how the content is easy to consume and interact with, resulting in more comments. Although, with a new focus on dwell time, video content can keep users on your content for minutes. This is far more valuable for your audience and you can be more confident that your information has been consumed if the video was engaging.

Simple strategies to increase LinkedIn profile views

You can increase how many people visit your profile on LinkedIn in the following ways:

  • Optimise your LinkedIn headline – This is visible across the platform and can be intriguing

  • Optimise your LinkedIn profile photo – People see this in the feed and when you engage

  • Post content native to LinkedIn – Sending people away from the platform is punished meaning content will have reduced reach

  • Provide value when writing comments – Appearing as the ‘Most Relevant’ comment on people’s posts will mean your profile is visible

  • Post content at peak times – Find out in SHIELD the best times to post your content, so that you can publish when your audience is online

Joe Gannon x Pragya

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