Earned media value calculator

Earned media value calculator

Estimate your earned media value with our earned media calculator.

Earned media calculator


CPM • $35

Earned media value gives you an estimate of how much it would cost to get the same reach (impressions) through paid ads.

The default CPM (Cost Per Mille, or Cost per 1,000 Impressions) is set to $35.

Earned media value gives you an estimate of how much it would cost to get the same reach (impressions) through paid ads.

The default CPM (Cost Per Mille, or Cost per 1,000 Impressions) is set to $35.

What is earned media value?

What is earned media value?

What is earned media value?

What is earned media value?

Positive press, good customer reviews, and lively social engagement. That’s what a strategic and well-thought-out earned media strategy can get you.

But how do you measure the value these
efforts bring? 
Earned media value (EMV) is a way to measure the value of media coverage your brand earns organically, such as customer reviews, social mentions, or press coverage, without any direct payment.

Positive press, good customer reviews, and lively social engagement. That’s what a strategic and well-thought-out earned media strategy can get you.

But how do you measure the value these
efforts bring? 
Earned media value (EMV) is a way to measure the value of media coverage your brand earns organically, such as customer reviews, social mentions, or press coverage, without any direct payment.

Positive press, good customer reviews, and lively social engagement. That’s what a strategic and well-thought-out earned media strategy can get you.

But how do you measure the value these
efforts bring? 
Earned media value (EMV) is a way to measure the value of media coverage your brand earns organically, such as customer reviews, social mentions, or press coverage, without any direct payment.

That’s why we created our earned media value calculator—a simple tool to help you measure the impact of your LinkedIn efforts. Use it to assess success and refine your marketing strategy for greater visibility and brand trust.

Among these, earned media tends to be the most trusted by consumers because it comes from unbiased third-party sources, helping increase credibility and appeal.

That’s why we created our earned media value calculator—a simple tool to help you measure the impact of your LinkedIn efforts. Use it to assess success and refine your marketing strategy for greater visibility and brand trust.

Among these, earned media tends to be the most trusted by consumers because it comes from unbiased third-party sources, helping increase credibility and appeal.

That’s why we created our earned media value calculator—a simple tool to help you measure the impact of your LinkedIn efforts. Use it to assess success and refine your marketing strategy for greater visibility and brand trust.

Among these, earned media tends to be the most trusted by consumers because it comes from unbiased third-party sources, helping increase credibility and appeal.

That’s why we created our earned media value calculator—a simple tool to help you measure the impact of your LinkedIn efforts. Use it to assess success and refine your marketing strategy for greater visibility and brand trust.

Among these, earned media tends to be the most trusted by consumers because it comes from unbiased third-party sources, helping increase credibility and appeal.

earned media

earned media

earned media

Unpaid mentions, customer testimonials, press articles, and user-generated content.

Unpaid mentions, customer testimonials, press articles, and user-generated content.

owned media

owned media

owned media

Content on channels you control, like your website, blog, or email list.

Content on channels you control, like your website, blog, or email list.

Paid media

Paid media

Paid media

Ads, sponsored content, and endorsements that your brand pays for.

Ads, sponsored content, and endorsements that your brand pays for.

Ads, sponsored content, and endorsements that your brand
pays for.

How to calculate earned media value?

How to calculate earned media value?

How to calculate earned
media value?

How to calculate earned media value?

There are a few methods to calculate EMV, allowing you to select one that aligns with your
marketing goals.

Here’s a look at two popular approaches:

There are a few methods to calculate EMV, allowing you to select one that aligns with your
marketing goals.

Here’s a look at two popular approaches:

Positive press, good customer reviews, and lively social engagement. That’s what a strategic and well-thought-out earned media strategy can get you. But how do you measure the value these efforts bring? 
Earned media value (EMV) is a way to measure the value of media coverage your brand earns organically, such as customer reviews, social mentions, or press coverage, without any
direct payment.
That’s why we created our earned media value calculator—a simple tool to help you measure the impact of your efforts. Use it to assess success and refine your marketing strategy for greater visibility and brand trust.

Among these, earned media tends to be the most trusted by consumers because it comes from unbiased third-party sources, helping increase credibility and appeal.

There are a few methods to calculate EMV, allowing you to select one that aligns with your
marketing goals.

Here’s a look at two popular approaches:



Basic impressions-based calculation

Basic impressions-based calculation

Basic impressions-based calculation

Basic impressions-based calculation

Earned media value formula: EMV = Impressions × CPM

How it works: Multiply the total impressions (times your content was seen) by your average CPM (cost per thousand impressions) from a paid media campaign. This gives you a value that compares your earned media reach to what you’d pay for similar exposure through ads.

Example: If your earned media campaign received 2,000 impressions and your CPM is $10, the EMV would be:
2,000 × $10 = $20,000

Earned media value formula: EMV = Impressions × CPM

How it works: Multiply the total impressions (times your content was seen) by your average CPM (cost per thousand impressions) from a paid media campaign. This gives you a value that compares your earned media reach to what you’d pay for similar exposure through ads.

Example: If your earned media campaign received 2,000 impressions and your CPM is $10, the EMV would be:
2,000 × $10 = $20,000



Goal-specific calculation with an adjustment variable

Goal-specific calculation with an adjustment variable

Goal-specific calculation with an adjustment variable

Goal-specific calculation with an adjustment variable

Earned media value formula: EMV = Impressions × CPM × Adjustment Variable

How it works: Use an adjustment variable (e.g., clicks, engagement, brand sentiment) to weigh your EMV by a specific goal. This method personalizes EMV to your objectives, like click-through rates (CTR) or engagement metrics.

Example: If your campaign achieved 10,000 impressions, a CPM of $5, and a 5% CTR, the EMV calculation would be: 10,000 × $5 × 0.05 = $2,500

An adjustment variable helps clarify which campaigns are most valuable in reaching your goals, like engagement or site visits.

Earned media value formula: EMV = Impressions × CPM × Adjustment Variable

How it works: Use an adjustment variable (e.g., clicks, engagement, brand sentiment) to weigh your EMV by a specific goal. This method personalizes EMV to your objectives, like click-through rates (CTR) or engagement metrics.

Example: If your campaign achieved 10,000 impressions, a CPM of $5, and a 5% CTR, the EMV calculation would be: 10,000 × $5 × 0.05 = $2,500

An adjustment variable helps clarify which campaigns are most valuable in reaching your goals, like engagement or site visits.

Want to learn how to sell through LinkedIn?

Want to learn how to sell through LinkedIn?

Want to learn how to sell
through LinkedIn?

Want to learn how to sell through LinkedIn?

At Shield, we help you create content for LinkedIn to scale up your business. We have a range of free tools ready to use. If you liked our earned media calculator, you should try our headline generator to craft a compelling LinkedIn headline. And while you’re at it, why not style your post with our LinkedIn text formatter?

If you’re interested in empowering your team to sell even more on LinkedIn with a data-driven approach, you should check out our corporate influencer program, employee advocacy software and social selling software.

At Shield, we help you create content for LinkedIn to scale up your business. We have a range of free tools ready to use. If you liked our earned media calculator, you should try our headline generator to craft a compelling LinkedIn headline. And while you’re at it, why not style your post with our LinkedIn text formatter?

If you’re interested in empowering your team to sell even more on LinkedIn with a data-driven approach, you should check out our corporate influencer program, employee advocacy software and social selling software.

At Shield, we help you create content for LinkedIn to scale up your business. We have a range of free tools ready to use. If you liked our earned media calculator, you should try our headline generator to craft a compelling LinkedIn headline. And while you’re at it, why not style your post with our LinkedIn text formatter?

If you’re interested in empowering your team to sell even more on LinkedIn with a data-driven approach, you should check out our corporate influencer program, employee advocacy software and social selling software.

At Shield, we help you create content for LinkedIn to scale up your business. We have a range of free tools ready to use. If you liked our earned media calculator, you should try our headline generator to craft a compelling LinkedIn headline. And while you’re at it, why not style your post with our
LinkedIn text formatter?

If you’re interested in empowering your team to sell even more on LinkedIn with a data-driven approach, you should check out our corporate influencer program, employee advocacy software and
social selling software.

How do you calculate earned media value?

What is an adjustment variable in EMV?

Is influencer marketing considered earned media?

Can you calculate EMV for social media?

Do you offer any other LinkedIn tools?

How do you calculate earned media value?

What is an adjustment variable in EMV?

Is influencer marketing considered earned media?

Can you calculate EMV for social media?

Do you offer any other LinkedIn tools?

How do you calculate earned media value?

What is an adjustment variable in EMV?

Is influencer marketing considered earned media?

Can you calculate EMV for social media?

Do you offer any other LinkedIn tools?

How do you calculate earned media value?

What is an adjustment variable in EMV?

Is influencer marketing considered earned media?

Can you calculate EMV for social media?

Do you offer any other LinkedIn tools?

Check your earned media value today!

Let Shield do the work.

Instantly view your team’s earned media value, track engagement, and share data-driven insights with leadership.

Instantly view your team’s earned media value, track engagement, and share data-driven insights with leadership.